Development Committee
The Development Committee is subdivided into 5 subcommittees, all of which target our mission to empower, embrace, and inspire, but in particular "empower". The main point of the Development Committee is to give our members tools/training to further our growth within our careers or ease the transition to crossing over from academia to industry (or viceversa).
Depending on which subcommittee you join as leader or volunteer, you will learn and/or strengthen various skills, such as: communication, editing, working in teams, marketing, specific software, networking, and more. Committee Leaders: Frances, Priscilla, Rocío, Yalimay |
Comité de Desarrollo
El Comité de Desarrollo está subdividido en 5 subcomités, los cuales apoyan de diferentes maneras nuestra misión de empoderar, acoger e inspirar, pero en particular "empoderar". El punto principal del Comité de Desarrollo es brindarles a los miembros herramientas / capacitación para promover nuestro crecimiento dentro de nuestras carreras o facilitar la transición para pasar de la academia a la industria (o viceversa). Dependiendo de qué subcomité formes como líder o voluntari@, aprenderás y / o fortalecerás diversas habilidades, tales como: comunicación, edición, trabajo en equipo, marqueteo, programas y plataformas específicas, redes de contacto y más. Líderes del comité: Frances, Priscilla, Rocío, Yalimay.
Comitê de Desenvolvimento
O Comitê de Desenvolvimento é subdividido em 5 subcomitês, todos com a missão de fortalecer, abraçar e inspirar, mas em particular "empoderar". O ponto principal do Comitê de Desenvolvimento é dar aos membros ferramentas / treinamento para promover nosso crescimento dentro de nossas carreiras ou facilitar a transição para o cruzamento da academia para a indústria (ou vice-versa). Dependendo do subcomitê que você participar como líder ou voluntário, você aprenderá e / ou fortalecerá várias habilidades, tais como: comunicação, edição, trabalho em equipe, marketing, software específico, rede e muito mais. Líderes de Comitê: Frances, Priscilla, Rocío, Yalimay
PERLA: Professional Exchange for Resilience, Leadership, and Advancement Professional development series to support our growth in our fields as well as help a transition across job sectors. Both these goals ultimately allow us to create a resilient community of leaders, cultivating the advancement and promotion we need to retain our workforce in a diverse and inclusive geo-community. Subcommittee Leaders: Danielle, Lina, Rocío *PERLA meetings happen once a month and meeting info is sent directly to members via email and slack |
Peer Review Subcommittee
Includes revising and editing of abstracts, blogs, important emails, papers, scientific writing in general Subcommittee Leaders: Adriana G-G., Diana E. F., Frances, Isamar, Kiara, Sofía *Re-launching May 2020, currently recruiting volunteers. Please send us an email if you have questions |
Conversando con GeoLatinas
This is a pilot program to test small, organically-driven groups to practice English and Spanish. In phase one, cohorts will be formed to practice conversational English and Spanish. In phase two, cohorts will be formed to practice scientific English and Spanish (Stay tuned for this later in the year). Groups matching and guidelines done by Rocío, each small group will have leaders emerge and work things out based on their specific group needs. |
Mentoring Subcommittee
Our mentoring programs makes it possible to get an easier start and transition in different stages of life. Subcommittee Leaders:
Leadership & Strategy Subcommittee
A series of workshops aimed at tackling relevant issues to our community, like: Women in Science & Leadership, Visibility & Vulnerability, Professional relationship, Personal strategy (Values & Personal purposes). Subcommittee Leader: Yalimay *Coming soon, currently recruiting leaders and volunteers. Please send us an email if you have questions. |